职称:教授 博士生导师
入选国家高层次青年人才计划 中国科协青托人才 湖北省青年拔尖人才 湖北省杰青
担任 华中科技大学集成电路学院副院长 先进存储器湖北省重点实验室副主任 湖北省电子学会副秘书长
研究团队:信息存储材料及器件研究所(缪向水教授团队),蔡少棠忆阻器研究中心(Chua Memristor Institute)
Email: liyi@hust.edu.cn;liyihust@163.com
学生培养及工作理念:Diligence (勤勉)、Collaboration(合作)、Innovation(创新)
2005年9月至2009年6月 华中科技大学 电子科学与技术专业 本科生;
2009年9月至2014年3月 华中科技大学 微电子学与固体电子学专业 硕博连读研究生;
2014年4月至2015年2月 华中科技大学 光学与电子信息学院 研究助理;
2015年3月至2018年10月 华中科技大学 光学与电子信息学院 讲师;
2018年11月至2023年12月 华中科技大学 光学与电子信息学院/集成电路学院 副教授;
2024年1月至今 华中科技大学 集成电路学院 教授。
1. 集成电路科学与工程一级交叉学科,集成电路制造-先进存储器方向;
2. 电子科学与技术一级学科,微电子学与固体电子学二级学科,微电子材料与器件方向。
1. 本科生课程《微电子工艺》(春季)
2. 本科生课程《化合物半导体器件》(秋季)
3. 硕士生课程《忆阻存算一体器件与架构》(春季)
4. 博士生课程《后摩尔集成电路前沿进展》(秋季)
面向后摩尔时代存储与计算一体化的非冯·诺依曼计算需求,研发忆阻器(Memristor)、阻变存储器(Resistive Random Access Memory, RRAM)等新兴半导体器件,研究其物理机制、性能调控及规模集成,通过硬件和架构的跨层次协同设计,开发其存内计算(In-memory computing)、存内搜索(In-memory Search)、AI加速(AI Accelerator)、类脑神经形态计算(Brain-Inspired Neuromorphic Computing)等新功能及新应用。
在Science Advances、IEEE EDL、IEEE TED、IEEE TCAS-I、IEEE TCAS-II、Advaned Materials、Advaned Functional Materials、InfoMat、Applied Physics Letters、Science China: Information Science(中国科学:信息科学英文版)等期刊发表论文100余篇;在IEDM、IMW、EDTM、NANOARCH、IEEE ICTA、VLSI-TSA等微电子领域重要会议发表论文20余篇。申请发明专利80余项,已授权美国专利13项、中国发明专利60余项。
2023年华中科技大学优秀毕业设计(论文):胡同《非易失内容可寻址存储器 nvCAM 设计与优化》
2019年 ICMIC Best Student Poster (程龙)
2018年 IWOFC Best Poster Award(陈佳、潘文谦)
2018年 ICTA Best paper nomination (段念)
2022年“Lam Research-华中科技大学微电子论文奖”(二等奖:周厚继;三等奖:任升广)
2021年“Lam Research-华中科技大学微电子论文奖”(二等奖:万天晴、李灏阳)
2019年 “Lam Research-华中科技大学微电子论文奖”(二等奖:陈佳;三等奖:程龙)
2018年 “Lam Research-华中科技大学微电子论文奖”(二等奖:靳苗苗,王卓睿)
6. 何毓辉,李祎,缪向水,《忆阻类脑计算》,科学出版社,2024. 06。
5. Jiancong Li, Yi Li*, Ling Yang, Xiangshui Miao, Memristor Based In-memory Computing Architecture for Scientific Computing, In Memristor Computing Systems, Edited by Leon O. Chua, Ronald Tetzlaff, and Angela Slavova, Springer Cham, 2022. (Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-90581-1, eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-90582-8, DOI: 978-3-030-90581-1).
4. Jia Chen, Yi-fan Lu, Zhe Yang, Yi Li, Xiang-Shui Miao, Neuromorphic devices based on Chalcogenide Materials, In Neuromorphic Devices for Brain-inspired Computing: Artificial Intelligence, Perception and Robotics, Edited by Qin Wan and Yi Shi, Wiley-VCH GmbH, 13 Jan. 2022. (Print ISBN: 9783527349791, Online ISBN: 9783527835317, DOI:10.1002/9783527835317).
3. Ling Yang, Yi Li, Long Cheng, Xiangshui Miao, Nonvolatile memristive logic: a road to in-memory computing, In Mem-elements for Neuromorphic Circuits with Artificial Intelligence Applications, Volos Ch.K. Sr. and Viet-Thanh Pham, Ed. Elsevier, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-821184-7.00025-6.
2. Zhe Yang, Yi Li, Xiang-Shui Miao, Chalcogenide materials for optoelectronic memory and neuromorphic computing. In Photo-Electroactive Non-Volatile Memories for Data Storage and Neuromorphic Computing, S.-T. Han and Y. Zhou, Ed. Elsevier, 2020; pp 293-315. (Paperback ISBN: 9780128197172, Imprint: Woodhead Publishing, Published Date: 1st June 2020.
1.缪向水,李祎,孙华军,薛堪豪,《忆阻器导论》,科学出版社,2018. 03。ISBN: 978-7-03-056687-4.
102. Jiancong Li†, Yibai Xue†, Yi Li*, Han Jia, Zhiwei Zhou, Ling Yang, Sheng-guang Ren, Jia Chen, Yuhui He, Kanhao Xue, Ming Xu, and Xiangshui Miao*, Fully analog Iteration for Solving Matrix Equations with In-memory Computing, Science Advances, 11, eadr6391, 2025. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adr6391.
Ying-Jie Yu, Sheng-Guang Ren, Ling Yang, Yi Li*, and Xiang-Shui Miao, 3D Self-Rectifying Memristive Ternary Content Addressable Memory for Massive and Exact In-Memory Search,SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 68(3),
100. Zhiwei Zhou, Jiancong Li, Han Jia, Ling Yang, Houji Zhou, Han Bao, Yuyang Fu, Yi Li*, Xiangshui Miao, ArPCIM: An Arbitrary-Precision Analog Computing-in-Memory Accelerator with unified INT/FP Arithmetic, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers , 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2024.3491825.
99. Sheng-Guang Ren, Ge-Qi Mao, Yi-Bai Xue, Yu Zhang, Jia-Yi Sun, Wen-Bin Zuo, Yi Li*, Kan-Hao Xue*, and Xiangshui Miao, Interface Modeling Analysis Using Density Functional Theory in Highly Reliable Pt/HfO2/TaOx/Ta Self-Rectifying Memristor, Applied Physics Letters, 125, 123503, 2024.
98. Han Bao,† Pengyu Ren,† Kehong Xu, Ling Yang, Houji Zhou, Jiancong Li, Yi Li,* Xiangshui Miao, Energy Efficient Memristive Transiently Chaotic Neural Network for Combinatorial Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 71(8), 3708-3716, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2024.3406167.
97. Shao-qin Tong,† Han Bao,† Jian-cong Li, Ling Yang, Hou-ji Zhou, Yi Li,* Xiang-shui Miao, Energy-efficient brain floating point convolutional neural network using memristors, IEEE Transactions Electron Devices, 71(5), 3293 - 3300, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2024.3379953.
96. Junru Yuan†, Yi Li†, Meng Wang, Xiaodi Huang, Tao Zhang, Kan-Hao Xue*, Junhui Yuan, Jun Ou-Yang, Xiaofei Yang, Xiangshui Miao*, Benpeng Zhu*, Ultrasound: A new strategy for artificial synapses modulation, InfoMat, 2024. DOI: 10.1002/inf2.12528.
95.Sheng-Guang Ren, Yi-Bai Xue, Yu Zhang, Wen-Bin Zuo,* Yi Li, Xiang-Shui Miao, High-temperature Tolerant TaOx/HfO2 Self-rectifying Memristor Array with Robust Retention and Ultra-Low Switching Energy, Applied Physics Letters, 124(3), 033501, 2024. DOI: 10.1063/5.0190308.
94.Sheng-Guang Ren, A-Wei Dong, Ling Yang, Yi-Bai Xue, Jian-Cong Li, Yin-Jie Yu, Hou-Ji Zhou, Wen-Bin Zuo, Yi Li,* Wei-Ming Cheng, Xiang-Shui Miao, Self-rectifying memristors for three-dimensional in-memory computing, Advanced Materials, 36(4), 2307218, 2024. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202307218.
93.Sheng-Guang Ren, Yi-Bai Xue, Yu Zhang, Yi Li,* Xiang-Shui Miao, 3D Vertical Self-rectifying Memristor Arrays with Split-cell Structure, Large Nonlinearity (>104) and fJ-level Switching Energy, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 44(12), 2059 - 2062, 2023.
DOI: 10.1109/LED.2023.3323341.
92. Houji Zhou, Jia Chen*, Jiancong Li, Ling Yang, Yi Li*, Xiangshui Miao, Bring memristive in-memory computing into general-purpose machine learning: a perspective, APL Machine Learning, 1040901, 2023.
91. Rui Su,† Danzhe Song,†Chenglin Shen, Min Cheng, Weiming Cheng,* Yi Li, Xingsheng Wang, Xiangshui Miao, Enhanced resistive switching performances of Mn-doped BiFeO3 memristor by introducing oxygen reservoir interface, IEEE Transactions Electron Devices, 70(11): 5626 - 5631, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2023.3308925.
90. Chengxu Wu,† Yibai Xue,† Yi Li,* Xiangshui Miao, Forward Stagewise Regression with Memristor for Sparse Coding, Journal of Semiconductors, 44(10): 104101, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2023.3308925.
89. Chiming Fang, Hou-Ji Zhou, Ling Yang, Weiming Cheng,* Yi Li,* and Xiang-Shui Miao, High-Efficient Memristive Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection, IEEE Transactions Electron Devices, 70(8), 4163-4169, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2023.3288842.
88. Zhe Yang, Ziyan Yang, Long Liu, Xin Li, Junze Li, Changying Xiong, Xianliang Mai, Hao Tong, Yi Li, Kan-Hao Xue, Xiaoyong Xue, Ming Xu,* Dehui Li, Peng Zhou,* Xiangshui Miao,* Anisotropic mass transport enables distinct synaptic behaviors on 2D material surface, Materials Today Electronics, 5, 100047, 2023.
87. Jiancong Li,† Sheng-guang Ren,† Yi Li,* Ling Yang, Yinjie Yu, Run Ni, Houji Zhou, Han Bao, Yuhui He, Jia Chen, Han Jia, and Xiangshui Miao,* Sparse matrix multiplication in a record-low power self-rectifying memristor array for scientific computing, Science Advances, 9, eadf7474, 2023. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf7474.
86. Changying Xiong, Zhe Yang, Jiahao Shen, Feiyu Tang, Qiang He, Yi Li, Ming Xu,* Xiangshui Miao, Nano t-Se peninsulas embedded in natively oxidized 2D TiSe2 enable uniform and fast memristive switching, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 19, 23371–23379, 2023. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c00818.
85. Yuyang Fu,† Jinyu Wen,† Lun Wang, Ling Yang, Qihang Zhu, Wenbin Zuo, Puyi Zhang, Yi Li,* Hao Tong,* Guokun Ma,* Hao Wang, and Xiangshui Miao, A 2.22Mb/s True Random Number Generator Based on a GeTex Ovonic Threshold Switching Memristor, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2023. DOI:10.1109/LED.2023.3259000.
84. Wenbin Zuo,† Qihang Zhu,† Yuyang Fu, Yu Zhang, Tianqing Wan, Yi Li,* Ming Xu, Xiangshui Miao, Volatile Threshold Switching Memristor: An Emerging Enabler in AIoT Era, Journal of Semiconductors,44 (5): 053102, 2023. DOI:10.1088/1674-4926/44/5/053102.
83. Rui Su, Ruizi Xiao, Chenglin Shen, Danzhe Song, Jiabao Chen, Bangda Zhou, Weiming Cheng,*Yi Li, Xingsheng Wang, Xiangshui Miao, Oxygen ion migration induced polarity switchable SrFeOx memristor for high-precision handwriting recognition, Applied Surface Science, 617, 156620, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.156620.
82. Ling Yang,† Xiaodi Huang,† Yi Li,* Houji Zhou, Jiancong Li, Yingjie Yu, Shengguang Ren, Han Bao, Feng Wang, Guiyou Pu, Xiang Li, Xiangshui Miao,* Self-Selective Memristor-enabled In-Memory Search for Highly Efficient Data Mining, InfoMat, 5, e12416, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/inf2.12416. (First version posted 26 Apr, 2022 on Research Square, DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1529611/v1)
81. Yinjie Yu,† Ling Yang,† Houji Zhou, Ruizhe Zhao, Yi Li,* Hao Tong, and Xiangshui Miao, In-memory Search for Highly efficient Image Retrieval, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5(3), 2200268, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202200268.
80. Houji Zhou, Ling Yang, Han Bao, Jiancong Li, Yi Li,* and Xiangshui Miao, Memristive Cosine-similarity-based Few-shot learning with Lifelong Memory Adaptation, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5(2), 2200173, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202200173.
79. Boyi Dong, Peixuan Li, Yaoyao Fu, Ting-Chang Chang, Yi Li, Xiang-Shui Miao, Yu-Hui He,* Study on Memristor-based 3D Convolutional Neural Network Adapting to Non-ideal Effects, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 70(3), 993-1000, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2022.3233552.
78. Jun Lin, Xianliang Mai, Dayou Zhang, Kuan Wang, Huan Wang, Yi Li, Hao Tong, Yuhui He Ming Xu, Xiangshui Miao, Design of All-Phase-Change-Memory Spiking Neural Network Enabled by Ge-Ga-Sb compound, SCIENCE CHINA Materials, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s40843-022-2283-9.
77. Rui Su, Jiabao Chen, Yuwei Zhao, Weiming Cheng,* Yi Li, Xingsheng Wang, Junbing Yan, Xiangshui Miao, Synthesis and characterization of SrFeOx hetero-film resistance-switching device with low operation voltage, Ceramics International, 48(22), 33115-33121, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.07.246.
76. Jing Tian, Hou-Ji Zhou, Han Bao, Jia Chen, Xiao-Di Huang, Jian-Cong Li, Ling Yang, Yi Li,* and Xiang-Shui Miao, Memristive Fast-Canny Operation for Edge Detection, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 69(11), 6043-6048, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2022.3204525.
75. Han Bao, Yifan Qin, Jia Chen, Yang Ling, Jiancong Li, Houji Zhou, Yi Li,* and Xiangshui Miao, Quantization and Sparsity-Aware processing for Energy-Efficient NVM-Based Convolutional Neural Networks, Frontiers in Electronics, section Nano- and Microelectronics, 3:954661, 2022. doi: 10.3389/felec.2022.954661
74. Ling Yang,† Ruizhe Zhao,† Yi Li,* Hao Tong,* Yingjie Yu, Xiangshui Miao, In-Memory Search with Phase Change Device-Based Ternary Content Addressable Memory, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 43(7), 1053-1056, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2022.3179736.
73. Yi-Fan Lu, Hao-Yang Li, Yi Li,* Li-Heng Li, Tian-Qing Wan, Ling Yang, Kan-Hao Xue, Xiangshui Miao, A high-performance Ag/TiN/HfOx/HfOy/HfOx/Pt diffusive memristor for calibration-free true random number generator, Advanced Electronic Materials, 8(9), 2200202, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202200202.
72. Yi Li, Kan-Hao Xue, Yu-Hui He, Xiang-Shui Miao, Roadmap on Neuromorphic Devices & Applications Research in China: Metal-oxide memristors for in-memory computing, Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, 2022. DOI: 10.1088/2634-4386/ac7a5a.
71. Han Bao, Houji Zhou, Jiancong Li, Huaizhi Pei, Jing Tian, Ling Yang, Shengguang Ren, Shaoqin Tong, Yi Li,* Yuhui He, Jia Chen, Yimao Cai, Huaqiang Wu, Qi Liu, Qing Wan, Xiangshui Miao,* Toward Memristive in-memory computing: principles and applications, Frontiers of Optoeletronics, 15, 23, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s12200-022-00025-4.
70. Yaoyao Fu,† Yue Zhou,† Xiaodi Huang,† Boyi Dong,† Bin Gao, Fuwei Zhuge, Yi Li,* Yuhui He,* Yang Chai, and Xiangshui Miao,* Reconfigurable Synaptic and Neuronal Functions in a V/VOx/HfWOx/Pt Memristor for Nonpolar Spiking Convolutional Neural Network, Advanced Functional Materials, 32, 23, 2111996, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202111996. (Front cover)
69. Yue Zhou, Yasai Wang, Fuwei Zhuge, Jianmiao Guo, Sijie Ma, Jingli Wang, Zijian Tang, Yi Li, Xiangshui Miao,* Yuhui He,* Yang Chai,* Reconfigurable two-WSe2-transistor synaptic cell for reinforcement learning, Advanced Materials, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202107754.
68. Jiancong Li,† Houji Zhou,† Yi Li,* and Xiangshui Miao, A Memristive Neural Network Based Matrix Equation Solver with High Versatility and High Energy Efficiency, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 66(2), 122402, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11432-021-3374-x.
67. Sheng-Guang Ren, Run Ni, Xiao-Di Huang, Yi Li,* and Xiang-Shui Miao, Pt/Al2O3/TaOx/Ta Self-Rectifying Memristor with Record-Low Operation Current (<2 pA), Low Power (fJ), and High Scalability, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 69(2), 838-842, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3134137.
66. Houji Zhou, Yi Li,* and Xiangshui Miao, Low-time-complexity document clustering using memristive dot product engine, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 65(2), 122410, 2022. DOI:10.1007/s11432-021-3316-x.
65. Run Ni,† Ling Yang,† Xiao-Di Huang, Sheng-Guang Ren, Tian-Qing Wan, Yi Li,* and Xiang-Shui Miao, Controlled Majority-Inverter Graph Logic with High Nonlinear, Self-Rectifying Memristor, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68(10), 4897-4902, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3106234.
64. Houji Zhou,† Jia Chen,† Yinan Wang,† Sen Liu, Yi Li,* Qingjiang Li,* Qi Liu, Yuhui He, Hui Xu, and Xiangshui Miao, Energy-efficient Memristive Euclidean Distance Engine for Brain-inspired Competitive Learning, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 3(11), 2100114, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202100114.
63. Yue Zhou, Nuo Xu, Bin Gao, Fuwei Zhuge, Zijian Tang, Xinchen Deng, Yi Li, Yuhui He*, Xiangshui Miao*, Complementary Memtransistors based Multilayer Neural Networks for Online Supervised Learning through (anti-) Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 33(11), 6640-6651, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3082911.
62. Long Liu,† Yi Li,† Xiaodi Huang, Jia Chen, Zhe Yang, Kan-Hao Xue, Ming Xu,* Huawei Chen, Peng Zhou,* and Xiangshui Miao,* Low-power memristive logic device enabled by controllable oxidation of 2D HfSe2 for in-memory computing, Advanced Science, 8(15), 2005038, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202005038.
61. Tian-Qing Wan, Yi-Fan Lu, Jun-Hui Yuan, Hao-Yang Li, Yi Li,* Xiao-Di Huang, Kan-Hao Xue,* and Xiang-Shui Miao, 12.7 MA/cm2 on-current density and high uniformity realized in AgGeSe/Al2O3 selectors, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 42(4), 613-616, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2021.3061620.
60. Ling Yang,† Long Cheng,† Haoyang Li, Jiancong Li, Yi Li,* Ting-Chang Chang, Xiangshui Miao,* Cryptographic Key Generation and in situ Encryption in One-Transistor-One-Resistor Memristors for Hardware Security, Advanced Electronic Materials, 7, 2001182, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202001182.
59. Jia Chen, Jiancong Li, Yi Li*, Xiangshui Miao*, Multiply Accumulate (MAC) operations in memristor crossbar array for analog computing, Journal of Semiconductors, 42(1), 013104, 2021.
58. Chih-Yang Lin†, Jia Chen†, Po-Hsun Chen, Ting-Chang Chang*, Yuting Wu, Jason K. Eshraghian, John Moon, Sangmin Yoo, Yu-Hsun Wang, Wen-Chung Chen, Zhi-Yang Wang, Hui-Chun Huang, Yi Li, Xiangshui Miao, Wei D. Lu, and Simon M. Sze, Adaptive Synaptic Memory via Lithium Ion Modulation in RRAM devices, Small, 16(42), 2003964, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/smll.202003964.
57. Yaoyao Fu,† Boyi Dong,† Wan-Ching Su, Zhi-Yang Lin, Kuan-Ju Zhou, Ting-Chang Chang, Fuwei Zhuge, Yi Li, Yuhui He,* Bin Gao, Xiangshui Miao,* Enhancing LiAlOx synaptic performance by reducing Schottky barrier height for deep neural network application, Nanoscale, 12, 22970-22977, 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0NR04782A.
56. Ming Xu,†* Xianliang Mai,† Jun Lin,† Wei Zhang, Yi Li, Yuhui He, Hao Tong, Peng Zhou,* and Xiangshui Miao,* Recent advances on neuromorphic devices based on chalcogenide phase-change materials, Advanced Functional Materials, 2003419, 2020.
55.Yi-Fan Qin, Han Bao, Feng Wang, Jia Chen, Yi Li*, and Xiang-Shui Miao*, Recent progress on memristive convolutional neural networks for edge intelligence, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2(11), 2000114, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202000114.
54. Long Cheng,† Jiancong Li,† Hao-Xuan Zheng, Peng Yuan, Jiahao Yin, Ling Yang, Qing Luo, Yi Li*, Hangbing Lv, Ting-Chang Chang, Xiangshui Miao*, In-memory Hamming Weight Calculation in a 1T1R memristive array, Advanced Electronic Materials, 6(9), 2000457, 2020. DOI:10.1002/aelm.202000457.
53.Yi-Fan Lu, Yi Li*, Hao-Yang Li, Tian-Qing Wan, Yu-Hui He and Xiang-Shui Miao, Low-Power Artificial Neuron Based on Ag/TiN/HfAlOx/Pt Threshold Switching Memristor for Neuromorphic Computing, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 41(8), 1245-1248, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2020.3006581.
52. Hao-Yang Li,† Xiao-Di Huang,† Jun-Hui Yuan,† Yi-Fan Lu, Yi Li*, Kan-Hao Xue*, Yu-Hui He, Ming Xu, Hao Tong, and Xiang-Shui Miao, Controlled memory and threshold switching behaviors in conductive filamentary memristor enabled by heterogeneous bilayer structure, Advanced Electronic Materials, 6(8), 2000309, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202000309.
51. Yi-Fan Qin, Rui Kuang, Xiao-Di Huang, Yi Li*, Jia Chen, and Xiang-Shui Miao, Design of High Robustness BNN Inference Accelerator Based on Binary Memristors, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 67(8), 3435-3441, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2020.2998457.
50. Xiao-Di Huang, Yi Li*, Hao-Yang Li, Yi-Fan Lu, Kan-Hao Xue, and Xiang-Shui Miao, Enhancement of DC/AC resistive switching performance in AlOx memristor by two-technique bilayer approach, Applied Physics Letters, 116(17), 173504, 2020. DOI:10.1063/5.0006850.
49. Xiao-Di Huang, Yi Li*, Hao-Yang Li, Kan-Hao Xue, Xingsheng Wang, and Xiang-Shui Miao, Forming-free, fast, uniform, and high endurance resistive switching from cryogenic to high temperatures in W/AlOx/Al2O3/Pt bilayer memristor, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 41(4), 549-552, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2020.2977397.
48. Jia Chen,† Wen-Qian Pan,† Yi Li*, Yu-Hui He, Rui Kuang, Yu-Ting Su, Chih-Yang Lin, Gui-Rong Feng, Nian Duan, Hao-Xuan Zheng, Cheng-Hsien Wu, Ting-Chang Chang, Simon M. Sze and Xiang-Shui Miao, High precision symmetric weight update of memristor by gate voltage ramping method for convolutional neural network accelerator, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 41(3), 353-356, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2020.2967401.
47. Long Cheng,† Hao-Xuan Zheng,† Yi Li*, Ting-Chang Chang, Simon M. Sze, Xiang-Shui Miao, In-Memory Digital Comparator Based on a Single Multivalued One-Transistor-One-Resistor Memristor, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 67(3), 1293-1296, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2020.2967401.
46. Wen-Qian Pan, Jia Chen, Rui Kuang, Yi Li*, Yu-Hui He, Gui-Rong Feng, Nian Duan, Ting-Chang Chang, and Xiang-Shui Miao, Strategies to Improve the Performance of Memristor-based Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 67(3), 895-901, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2019.2963323.
45. Wuhong Xue†, Yi Li†, Gang Liu*, Zhuorui Wang, Wen Xiao, Kemin Jiang, Zhicheng Zhong, Shuang Gao*, Jun Ding, Xiangshui Miao, Xiao-Hong Xu*, and Run-Wei Li*, Controlled and stable quantized conductance states in the Pt/HfOx/ITO Memristor, Advanced Electronic Materials, 6(2), 1901055, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201901055.
44. 陈佳,潘文谦,秦一凡,王峰,李灏阳,李祎*,缪向水,基于忆阻器的神经网络应用研究,微纳电子与智能制造,第1卷,第4期,24-38,2019年12月。
43. Long Cheng, Yi Li*, Kang-Sheng Yin, Si-Yu Hu, Yu-Ting Su, Miao-Miao Jin, Zhuo-Rui Wang, Ting-Chang Chang, Xiang-Shui Miao*, Functional Demonstration of a Memristive Arithmetic Logic Unit (MemALU) for In-Memory Computing, Advanced Functional Materials, 29(49), 1905660, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201905660.
42. Yue-Jun Zhang, Xin-Hui Chen, Zhuo-Rui Wang, Qi-Lai Chen, Gang Liu, Yi Li, and Peng-Jun Wang,* Run-Wei Li,* and Xiang-Shui Miao,* Implementation of All 27 Possible Univariate Ternary Logics with A Single ZnO Memristor, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66(11) 4710-4715, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2019.293948.
41. Nian Duan, Yi Li*, Hsiao-Cheng Chiang, Jia Chen, Wen-Qian Pan, Yu-Chieh Chien, Yu-Hui He, Kan-Hao Xue, Gang Liu, Ting-Chang Chang*, and Xiang-Shui Miao*, An Electro-Photo-Sensitive Synaptic Transistor for Edge Neuromorphic Visual System, Nanoscale, 11, 7590-17599, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/C9NR04195H. (Front cover)
40. Jia Chen,† Chih-Yang Lin,† Yi Li,* Chao Qin, Ke Lu, Jie-Ming Wang, Chun-Kuei Chen, Yu-Hui He, Ting-Chang Chang, Simon M. Sze, and Xiang-Shui Miao, LiSiOX-based Analog Memristive Synapse for Neuromorphic Computing, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 40(4), 542-545, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2019.2898443. (Editors' Pick, front cover)
39. Pan Zhang, Min Xia, Fuwei Zhuge, Yue Zhou, Zhenyu Wang, Boyi Dong, Yaoyao Fu, Kecheng Yang, Yi Li, Yuhui He*, Ralph Scheicher,* Xiangshui Miao,* Nanochannel-based transport in an interfacial memristor can emulate analog weight modulation of synapses, Nano Letters, 19(7), 4279-4286, 2019. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b00525.
38. Yangyang Chen,† Yue Zhou,† Fuwei Zhuge,† Bobo Tian, Mengge Yan, Yi Li, Yuhui He,* Xiangshui Miao,* Graphene-ferroelectric transistors as complementary synapses for supervised learning in spiking neural network, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 3, 31, 2019.
37. Bowei Chen, Hui Yang, Fuwei Zhuge,Yi Li, Ting-Chang Chang, Yuhui He*, Weijian Yang, Nuo Xu, Xiangshui Miao, Optimal Tuning of Memristor Conductance Variation in Spiking Neural Networks for Online Unsupervised Learning, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66(6), 2844-2849, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2019.2907541.
36. Nian Duan,Yi Li*, Hsiao-Cheng Chiang, Shin-Ping Huang, Kang-Sheng Yin, Jia Chen, Chung-I Yang, Ting-Chang Chang*, and Xiang-Shui Miao*, Gate Modulation of Excitatory and Inhibitory Bilingual Synaptic Plasticity in a Low-Temperature Polysilicon Thin Film Synaptic Transistor, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 1(1), 132-140, 2019. DOI:10.1021/acsaelm.8b00060.
35. Si-Yu Hu,Yi Li,* Long Cheng, Zhuo-Rui Wang, Ting-Chang Chang, Simon M. Sze, and Xiang-Shui Miao,Reconfigurable Boolean Logic in Memristive Crossbar: the Principle and Implementation, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 40(2), 200-203, 2019. 10.1109/LED.2018.2886364.
34. Sungjun Kim, Jia-Chen, Ying-Chen Chen, Min-Hwi Kim, Hyungjin Kim, Min-Woo Kwon, Sungmin Hwang, Muhammad Ismail,Yi Li, Xiangshui Miao, Yao-Feng Chang*, and Byung-Gook Park*, Neuronal Dynamics in HfOx/AlOy-based Homeothermic Synaptic Memristors with Low-Power and Homogeneous Resistive Switching, Nanoscale, 11, 237-245, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/C8NR06694A.
33. Yao-Feng Chang*, Burt Fowler, Ying-Chen Chen, Chih-Yang Lin, Gaobo Xu, Hui-Chun Huang, Jia Chen, Sungjun Kim,Yi Li, and Jack C. Lee, Beyond SiOx: An Active Electronics Resurgence and Biomimetic Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Regulation from Mitochondrion. Journal of Materials Chemistry C., 6, 12788-12799, 2018. doi: 10.1039/C8TC04355H.
32. Shijie Li, Boyi Dong, Biao Wang, Yi Li, Huajun Sun, Yuhui He*, Nuo Xu, Xiangshui Miao*, Alleviating Conductance Nonlinearity via Pulse Shape Designs in TaOx Memristive Synapses, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66(1), 810-813, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2018.2876065.
31. Kan-Hao Xue, Yun Li, Hai-Lei Su, Jun-Hui Yuan, Yi Li, Zhuo-Rui Wang, Biao Zhang, and Xiang-Shui Miao*, Theoretical investigation of the Ag filament morphology in conductive bridge random access memories, Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 152125, 2018.
30. Zhuo-Rui Wang, Yi Li,* Yu-Ting Su, Ya-Xiong Zhou, Long Cheng, Ting-Chang Chang, Kan-Hao Xue, Simon M. Sze, Xiang-Shui Miao, Efficient implementation of Boolean and full adder functions with 1T1R RRAMs for beyond von Neumann in-memory computing, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65(10), 4659-4666,2018, DOI: 10.1109/TED.2018.2866048.
29. Miaomiao Jin, Long Cheng, Yi Li*, Siyu Hu, Ke Lu, Jia Chen, Nian Duan, Zhuorui Wang, Yaxiong Zhou, Ting-Chang Chang, and Xiangshui Miao, Reconfigurable logic in nanosecond Cu/GeTe/TiN filamentary memristors for energy-efficient in-memory computing. Nanotechnology, 29, 385203, 2018.
28. Kan-Hao Xue, Hai-Lei Su, Yi Li, Hua-Jun Sun, Wei-Fan He, Ting-Chang Chang*, Lin Chen*, David Wei Zhang, and Xiang-Shui Miao*, Model of dielectric breakdown in hafnia-based ferroelectric capacitors. Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 024103, 2018. (Editor’s pick)
27. Ya-Xiong Zhou, Yi Li*, Nian Duan, Zhuo-Rui Wang, Ke Lu, Miao-Miao Jin, Long Chen, Si-Yu Hu, Ting-Chang Chang, Hua-Jun Sun, Kan-Hao Xue and Xiang-Shui Miao*, Boolean and sequential logic in a one-memristor-one-resistor (1M1R) structure for in-memory computing, Advanced Electronic Materials, 5, 1800229, 2018.
26. Ke Lu, Yi Li,* Wei-fan He, Jia Chen, Ya-Xiong Zhou, Nian Duan, Hua-Jun Sun, Kan-Hao Xue, and Xiang-Shui Miao, Diverse spike-timing dependent plasticity based on multilevel HfOx memristor for neuromorphic computing. Applied Physics A., 124, 438, 2018.
25. Qi Lin, Yi Li, Ming Xu, Qu Cheng, Hang Qian, Jinlong Feng, Hao Tong*, Xiangshui Miao*, Dual-layer Selector with Excellent Performance for Cross-Point Memory Applications, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39(4), 496-499, 2018.
24. Nian Liu, Peng Yan, Yi Li, Ke Lu, Huajun Sun*, Hongkai Ji, Kanhao Xue, and Xiangshui Miao, Conducting mechanism of Ag-diffused Bi-Te based resistive switching devices, Applied Physics A, 124, 143, 2018.
23. Yi Li, Yaxiong Zhou, Zhuorui Wang, Xiangshui Miao*, Memcomputing: fusion of memory and computing, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 61, 060424:1-3, 2018.
22. Yi Li*, Kangsheng Yin, Meiyun Zhang, Long Cheng, Ke Lu, Shibing Long*, Yaxiong Zhou, Zhuorui Wang, Kanhao Xue, Ming Liu, and Xiangshui Miao*, Correlation analysis between the current fluctuation characteristics and the conductive filament morphology of HfO2-based memristor, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 213505, 2017.
21. Long Cheng, Mei-Yun Zhang, Yi Li,* Ya-Xiong Zhou, Zhuo-Rui Wang, Si-Yu Hu, Shi-Bing Long,* Ming Liu and Xiang-Shui Miao, Reprogrammable logic in memristive crossbar for in-memory computing, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 50, 505102, 2017.
20. Ya-Xiong Zhou†, Yi Li†, Yu-Ting Su, Zhuo-Rui Wang, Ling-Yi Shih, Ting-Chang Chang*, Kuan-Chang Chang, Shi-Bing Long, Simon M. Sze, and Xiang-Shui Miao*, Nonvolatile reconfigurable sequential logic in HfO2 resistive random access memory array, Nanoscale, 9, 6649-6657, 2017. (Inside front cover)
19. Yang Zhang, Yi Li*, Xiaoping Wang*, and Eby G. Friedman, Synaptic Characteristics of Ag/AgInSbTe/Ta-Based Memristor for Pattern Recognition Applications, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64(4), 1806-1811, 2017.
18. Zhuo-Rui Wang†, Yu-Ting Su†, Yi Li†, Ya-Xiong Zhou, Tian-Jian Chu, Kuan-Chang Chang, Ting-Chang Chang*, Tsung-Ming Tsai, Simon M. Sze, and Xiang-Shui Miao*, Functionally complete Boolean logic in 1T1R resistive random access memory, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 38(2), 1-4, 2017
17. 李祎,缪向水,基于忆阻器的存储与计算融合理论与实现,国防科技,第37卷,第6期,17-22,2016年12月。
16. Yi Li, Ya-Xiong Zhou, Lei Xu, Ke Lu, Zhuo-Rui Wang, Nian Duan, Long Cheng, Ting-Chang Chang, Kuan-Chang Chang, Hua-Jun Sun, Kan-Hao Xue and Xiang-Shui Miao*, Realization of Functional Complete Stateful Boolean Logic in memristive crossbar, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(50), 34559-34567, 2016.
15. Yang Zhang, Xiaoping Wang*, Yi Li, and Eby G. Friedman, Memristive model for synaptic circuits, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 64 (7), 767-771, 2016.
14. J. J. Zhang, H. Liu, H. J. Sun*, P. Yan,Y. Li, S. J. Zhong, S. Xie, R. J. Li, and X. S. Miao, Charged defects-induced resistive switching in Sb2Te3memristor, Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(2), 1154-1159 (2016).
13. Y. X. Zhou, Y. Li, L. Xu, S. J. Zhong, R. G. Xu, and X. S. Miao*, A hybrid memristor-CMOS XOR gate for nonvolatile logic computation, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science, 213(4), 1050-1054 (2016).
12. J. T. Yu, Y. Li, X. M. Mu, J. J. Zhang, X. S. Miao, and S. N. Wang*, Modeling the AgInSbTe memristor, Radioengineering, 24(3), 808-813 (2015).
11. P. Yan, Y. Li, Y. J. Hui, S. J. Zhong, Y. X. Zhou, L. Xu, N. Liu, H. Qian, H. J. Sun*, X. S. Miao, Conducting mechanism of forming-free TiW/Cu2O/Cu memristive devices, Applied Physics Letters, 107, 083501 (2015).
10. Y. P. Zhong, Y. Li, L. Xu, and X. S. Miao*, Simple square spikes for implementing spike-timing-dependent plasticity in phase-change memory, Physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 9(7): 414-419 (2015).
9. Y. Li, L. Xu, Y. P. Zhong, Y. X. Zhou, S. J. Zhong, Y. Z. Hu, L. O. Chua, and X. S. Miao*, Associative learning with temporal contiguity in a memristive circuit for large-scale neuromorphic networks, Advanced Electronic Materials,1, 1500125 (2015).(Front cover)
8. Y. X. Zhou, Y. Li, L. Xu, S. J. Zhong, H. J. Sun, and X. S. Miao*, 16 Boolean logics in three steps with two anti-serially connected memristors, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 233502 (2015).
7. L. Xu, Y. Li,N. N. Yu, Y. P. Zhong, and X. S. Miao*, Local order origin of thermal stability enhancement of amorphous Ag doping GeTe, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 031904 (2015).
6. Y. Li, Y. P. Zhong, J. J. Zhang, L. Xu, Q. Wang, H. J. Sun, H. Tong, X. M. Cheng and X. S. Miao*, Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity of a chalcogenide electronic synapse for neuromorphic systems, Scientific Reports, 4, 4906 (2014).
5. Y. Li, Y. P. Zhong, L. Xu, J. J. Zhang, X. H. Xu, H. J. Sun, and X. S. Miao*, Ultrafast synaptic events in a chalcogenide memristor, Scientific Reports, 3, 1619 (2013).
4. Y. Li, Y. P. Zhong, J. J. Zhang, X. H. Xu, Q. Wang, L. Xu, H. J. Sun, and X. S. Miao*, Intrinsic memristance mechanism of crystalline stoichiometric Ge2Sb2Te5, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 043501 (2013).
3. Y. Li, Y. P. Zhong, Y. X. Zhou, Y. F. Deng, L. Xu, and X. S. Miao*,Nonvolatile “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT” Boolean logic gates based on phase-change memory, Journal ofApplied Physics, 114, 234503 (2013).
2. J. J. Zhang, H. J. Sun*, Y. Li, Q. Wang, X. H. Xu, and X. S. Miao, AgInSbTe memristor with gradual resistance tuning, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 183513 (2013).
1. X. M. Long, X. S. Miao*, J. J. Sun, X. M. Cheng, H. Tong, Y. Li, D. H. Yang, J. D. Huang, and C. Liu, Dynamic switching characteristic dependence on sidewall angle for phase change memory, Solid-State Electronics, 67, 1 (2012).
18. Jiancong Li†, Shengguang Ren†, Yi Li*, Wenlong Peng, Zhiwei Zhou, Yibai Xue, Yu Zhang, Zhiwen Cao, Jiayi Sun, Yuhui He*, Xiangshui Miao*, Demonstration of a Floating-point Deep Neural Matrix Equation Solver using 3D Vertical ReRAM with High Energy- and Area-Efficiency, 5-4, 2024 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, December 7-11, 2024.
17. Houji Zhou, Jia Chen, Yi Li,* Xiangshui Miao, Heterogeneous Instruction Set Architecture for RRAM-enabled In-memory Computing, 18th ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH 2023), Dresden, Germany, December 18-20, 2023.
16. Zirui Chen, Yue Zhou, Hanxi Xu, Yaoyao Fu, Yi Li,* Y. He,* X.-S. Miao, Piergiulio Mannocci and Daniele Ielmini,* An Ultrafast (< 200 ns) Sparse Solution Solver made by HfWOx/VOy Threshold Tunable Neurons, 2023 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2023.
15. Feixiong Lu, Yi Li,* Jiancong Li, Yibai Xue, Zhiwei Zhou, Xiangshui Miao, Energy-Efficient ReRAM-Based high-Precision Discrete Fourier Transform for Image Reconstruction, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA 2023), Oct. 27-29, 2021, Hefei, China.
14. Hao-Yang Li, Yu-Yang Fu, Tian-Qing Wan, Yi-Fan Lu, Ling Yang, Yi Li,* Xiangshui Miao, Improve the Robustness of Diffusive Memristor based True Random Number Generator via Voltage-to-Time Transformation, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA 2022), Oct. 28-30, 2021, Xi’an, China.
13. Yaoyao Fu,† Yue Zhou,† Xiaodi Huang,† Bin Gao, Yuhui He,* Yi Li,* Yang Chai, Xiangshui Miao, Forming-free and Annealing-free V/VOx/HfWOx/Pt Device Exhibiting Reconfigurable Threshold and Resistive switching with high speed (<30 ns) and high endurance (>10^12/>10^10) , 2021 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, December 9-11, 2021.
12. Sheng-Guang Ren, Run Ni, Xiao-Di Huang, Yi Li,* and Xiang-Shui Miao, Large On/Off and Rectification Ratios, Self-Compliance, High-Uniformity in Pt/Al2O3/TaOx/Ta Self-Rectifying Memristors, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA 2021), Nov. 24-26, 2021, Zhuhai, China. Page 29-30.
11. Jiancong Li, Houji Zhou, Yi Li,* Xiangshui Miao, Self-Adaptive Matrix Equation Solving in Analog Memory Array, The 5th Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (EDTM 2021), April 8-11, 2021, Chengdu, China. (Poster)
10. Zhizheng Zhang, Yi Li,*Ling Yang, Jiancong Li, Xiangshui Miao, In-Memory Hamming Distance Calculation Based on One-Transistor-Two-Memristor (1T2M) Structure, The 5th Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (EDTM 2021), April 8-11, 2021, Chengdu, China. (Poster)
9. Xiaodi Huang, Ling Yang, Yi Li,* Xiangshui Miao, Memristive Combinational and Sequential Logic for In-Memory Computing, The 5th Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (EDTM 2021), April 8-11, 2021, Chengdu, China. (Poster)
8. Han Bao, Xiao-Di Huang, Jia Chen, Yi Li,* and Xiang-Shui Miao, Analysis of Memristive Quantized Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator with Device Nonideality, IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA 2020), Nov. 23-25, 2020, Nanjing, China. (Poster)
7. Jia Chen, Wen-Qian Pan, Yi Li,* Ting-Chang Chang, and Xiang-Shui Miao,* Design for Enhancing the Performance of Memristive Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA 2020), Nov. 23-25, 2020, Nanjing, China. (Poster)
6. Jiarui Xu, Yi Zhan, Zihao Wang, Guoyi Yu, Yi Li, and Chao Wang,* A novel variation-aware error monitoring scheme for memristor-based material implication logic, IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA 2020), Nov. 23-25, 2020, Nanjing, China. (Poster)
5. Yue Zhou, Nuo Xu, Bin Gao, Yangyang Chen, Boyi Dong, Yi Li, Yuhui He*, and Xiangshui Miao*, Complementary Graphene-Ferroelectric Transistors as Synapses with Modulatable Plasticity for Supervised Learning, 2019 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, December 7-11, 2019. Session Number: 6.5.
4. Xiaodi Huang, Yi Li*, Haoyang Li, and Xiangshui Miao, Low-power, high-speed and highly uniform resistive switching in bilayer Al2O3-based memristor, IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA 2019), Nov. 13-15, 2019, Chengdu, China.
3. Nian Duan, Yi Li, Xiangshui Miao, Hsiao-Cheng Chiang, and Ting-Chang Chang, Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Synaptic Transistor with Bilingual Plasticity for Neuromorphic Computing, IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA 2018), Nov. 21-23, Beijing, China. (Best paper nomination)
2. Z. R. Wang, Y. Li*, Y. T. Su, Y. X. Zhou, K. S. Yin, L. Cheng, T. C. Chang*, K. H. Xue, S. M. Sze, and X. S. Miao*, Implementation of Functionally Complete Boolean Logic and 8-bit Adder in CMOS Compatible 1T1R RRAMs for In-Memory Computing, The 10th IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW 2018), May 13-16, 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
1. Jia-Chen, Sungjun Kim, Ying-Chen Chen, Min-Hwi Kim, Yi Li*, Xiang-Shui Miao, Yao-Feng Chang*, Byung-Gook Park*, and Jack C. Lee*, Synaptic properties considering temperature effect in HfOx-based memristor: demonstration of homo-thermal synaptic behaviors, The 2018 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (2018 VLSI-TSA), April 16-19, 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Dr. Yi LI, Professor
School of Integrated Circuits
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
430074, Wuhan, P.R. China.
Email: liyi@hust.edu.cn; liyihust@163.com
Academic Areas: Memristor, resistive random access memory (RRAM). Develop novel electronic devices for neuromorphic computing and in-memory computing, such as artificial neurons and synapses, nonvolatile logic devices for beyond von Neumann computing.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics, 2014, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
BA in Electronic Science and Technology, 2009, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Professional Experience
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Integrated Circuits, Professor (2024.1- now);
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Integrated Circuits, Associate Professor (2022.12- 2023.12);
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Optical and Electronic information, Lecturer, Associate Professor (2015.03-2022.11);
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, Department of Physics, Visiting scholar, (2016.04-2016.08);
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, School of Optical and Electronic information, Research assistant (2014-2015.02)