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【来源:信息存储材料与器件研究所 | 发布日期:2017-06-22 】

时 间: 2017 年 6 月 22 日 10 : 00 – 12 : 00

地 点: 南五楼 612 学术报告厅

报告人: 李 泠 研究员, 中科院微电子所

邀请人: 缪向水 教授



In the seminar, some general trends in compact models for semiconductor device will be reviewed – from device physics and circuit design perspective. As one of the examples of the latest industrial effort on developing compact model for thin film transistors, research on new surface potential model will be discussed. Some of the latest research progress will be also presented.


   李泠,中科院微电子所研究员,中科院”百人计划”学者, 国家863主题项目“高密度存储与磁电子材料关键技术”项目负责人。2001年本科毕业于电子科技大学,2004年硕士毕业于中科院微电子所,2007年博士毕业于奥地利维也纳工业大学。随后任欧洲微电子中心(IMEC)高级研究员和韩国庆熙大学(Kyung Hee University)研究教授。2012年回国加入中科院微电子所从事新型半导体器件载流子输运、器件物理和紧凑模型技术研究。拓展了莫特理论,建立了统一的迁移率模型和爱因斯坦关系模型,首次在阻变存储器观测到热电效应并构建了热电传输模型。利用新的表面势方法,系统开发了薄膜晶体管, 2D材料晶体管和阻变存储器紧凑模型体系。在 Nature Communication, Physics Review B 和IEDM等发表论文60余篇。开发的紧凑模型技术应用于IMEC 128bit RFID电路设计。

   Dr. Ling Li is presently Full Professor in the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with research interest on charge transport in semiconductor devices, device physics and compact models for novel semiconductor devices. He extended the Mott theory, and developed universal mobility model and general Einstein relation for hopping transport. He observed the thermal-electric effect in RRAM device for the first time. He also developed electrical-thermal charge transport model. By proposing new method solving surface potential analytically, he developed the compact models for thin film transistors, 2D channel material transistors and RRAM. He has about 60 papers in published including 4 IEDM, 1 Nature Communication, 4 Physics Review B.

   请所有博士生和模型与模拟方向的硕士生准时参加, 其他硕士生欢迎参加.